Friday 30 March 2012

Un-Used Photo's

This image was not used because the majority of my target audience would not have preferred this image for the front cover or even in any of the magazine, mainly because my model looks very nervous trying to get comfortable with the photoshoot, therefore it wouldn't fall under any theorists that would be suitable for this music genre.    

I found this image too dark and unsuitable for the magazine by the pose, the majority of the target audience would find this image too unappealing to the rock genre and would not fall under any theorists such as Blumer and Katz (1974) and Stanley Hall.

I didn't chose this image because it basically was too far away (long shot) and there isn't anything in to support the theorists that are suitable for my target audience. Also in terms of experimenting with mise-en-sense the whole of the guitar didn't fit in the photoshot so I didn't place it into any of my work.

This image was not used in my work because it contained some of the background scenery outside the shooting area and the angle of the photograph is not in the aim I would have preferred it to make this image suitable for the magazine as well as my target audience and theorists.

My model in this picture looks very nervous, as this was the very first photo that was taken of her, so therefore i didn't place this inside my work for this reason, it would have been unsuitable for the magazine in terms of stereotypes and theorists for the target audience.

These images within my magazine because the majority of them were just rough photo's I took because I hadn't used a photography camera and it took me a short period of time to adapt to the settings and controls. Also as their early images, my model had to find her comfort zone before getting comfortable with the posing for the magazine. But these images are a variety of medium shots and close ups of my model posing in her batman fan clothing.

Overall some of this images does not suit the Stanley Hall or  Laura Mulvey theory.

These images would not be suitable for the Laura Mulvey (1975) because my model is not in the images portrayed as a lady with perfect hair or got the camera aimed at certain area's of her figure to attract a male audience.

In terms of the Stanley Hall theory (1904), my model would not had fallen in this stereotype because like I mentioned earlier, some of these images were just my model finding her comfort zone before she could pose confidently, so some images are not depressed, sex or criminal like.

But if I were to apply an theorist to my model it would be the Medhurst (1998); "their awful because their not like us" because my model ain't afraid to stand out with her trend or personality traits.

Contents Page For Loud Rock

Creating Of My Double Page Spread

This was the image I had chosen to use against the plain background for my magazine main double page spread, the reason I had chosen this is because it will suit the theme of my star vehicles album titled "Smoke Screen" wearing a gas mask and I originally plan on using smoke in the image later on to match the theme. This will suit my target audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz (1974) theory because they will want to read this page for their own reasons out the list. Whilst the black background will be suitable for the target audience who fall under the Stanley Hall (1904) theory because he states that youth's are very moody and the colour could connote depression or misunderstood.

After trying to add smoke into my image, it didn't quite work out to how I had planned because of the wall background and graffiti in my main image. So instead I played with the opacity settings within photoshop and got this as an end result, this will suit the satisfaction for my target audience who are rebellious because the graffiti in my main image stands out even more and therefore will suit my target theorists who are applied within my target audience Stanley Hall.

Thirdly I then added some more images within my work to make sure there were a variety of 5/6 images. These images had no effects placed upon them and I had chosen them to use in my work because they suited the theme for the "Smoke Screen" album with mise-en-sense such as the gas mask, meaning it will be suitable for my target audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz theory.

Fourthly I added a white opaque box behind the images and rubbed out certain parts to make the images look as if they are old and shattered photographs, making it suitable for the target audience because they will enjoy the rebellious looking style running through the magazine.

After finding a suitable font to use as my headline within UrbanFonts.Com. I then copied and pasted the font into photoshop and recoloured the font before cutting it out and placing it onto my black background. The reason I had chosen red for my second main colour was because it will suit the Stanley Hall theory in terms of how colour will connote moods within youths, meaning it will be suitable for my target audience.

The reason why I have placed my main title in the middle of the page is because after seeing the page I analysed from Kerrang! I noticed that their main title was also spread across the double page spread, not being to affected when it is printed. 

A blank white box was then added into the right side of the page because it will later on be room for an Album review from an rock album of my choice. But I had chosen a white box because it will stand out with black text and catch the readers attention, meaning it will be suitable for the target audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz theory.

This is when I added the text onto the image as well as the Loud Rock magazine logo. The reason why I bolded the questions being asked was to make them stand out and separate from the answer that my star vehicle Jessica Benn had given. Being suitable for the target audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz theory. The main story will relate to the star vehicle promoting her new album and the text within the white box was a album review upon the rock star vehicle called "Slash" from the rock band "Guns N Roses." Now all that will be left to do will be to add a quote from the interview, which will most likely be in the colour green to represent bitching and jealousy, following the Stanley Hall's theory.

 This is the finishing product!

Un-Used Fonts

The reason I didnt chose these fonts to use in my work is because it didn't suit the theorists (Stanley Hall and Laura Mulvey) that apply to my target audience, females who are aged between 17-19 and are in the social class of D/C.

But I did create them because they were inspirations at the time for the rock magazine before I gained more information about my target audience.


Flat Plan For My Main Feature

These are my flat plan designs for my magazine features.

The reason why I have chosen the design and layout of the magazine in this manor is because it looks to what the target audience would expect after researching this on my SurveyMonkey. The magazine contains plenty of text based upon the Star Vehicle in the piece and will have plenty of imagery for the fans. 

Creation Process Of My Contents Page

This is the background for my contents page, the reason I chosen to use black is to keep the theme from the cover page running through my magazine (black, yellow and white), just like I have noticed that my star model has "Kerrang!" This will also be able to attract the target audience because it will fall under the youth theorist Stanley Hall, who states that teenagers are moody, the  colour black could connote depression or being misunderstood.

Next just like my star model, I had chosen a main image for my contents page and this is Maroon 5's concert, a rock/pop type band that is quite successful in the charts right now. Also this will attract readers who are fans of these star vehicles, falling under the Blumer and Katz theorist.

But in the final piece of creating the product will have a short piece of text in a white box to congratulate Maroon 5 on their international chart topper "Moves Like Jagger" because its related to a legendary rock star.

This is when I begin  adding the main common conventions for the magazine contents page, making it obvious that this page is a contents page with a yellow contents and then applied the magazine logo Loud Rock upon the page, making sure it stands out so it will be suitable for my target audience.

To make the page look more natural, I placed a white opaque box over the black background as this will make my text easier to read in terms of choice of colour meaning it will suit the audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz theory.

Then more common conventions for a magazine were added, in terms of the issue number of the magazine and date it was released, making it a suitable collectors item for the target audience who I predicted will be faithful and passionate buyers for the rock music genre, meaning they will continue to buy these issues.

The black box was then added across the half way point of the page before adding the "In this weeks issue!" to make the target audience who fall under the Blumer and Katz theorist know what page to find the information for their purpose of purchasing the magazine.

In terms of font choice, I chose something that looked rebellious and "broken" suiting emotion, meaning it will be suitable for the target audience who fall under the Stanley Hall theory.

The text for this feature was then added and the patches of bigger and more creative font was placed upon yellow background boxes because this would make the reader more clear of the sections in case they are reading the magazine for a particular purpose; Blumer and Katz. Whilst underneath the categories are other stories about rock star, star vehicles with their page numbers.

But the text on the Maroon 5 image is the editors comment, my own personal speech about how proud I would be about creating the magazine and distributing it to the world for those passionate about the rock music genre just like I am. This was also used in my star model of Kerrang! So I also did it to make it look more realistic.

This is the stage where I added the images into the contents page, relating them to the text that is provided in the sections, the best example of this is the Last Puppet Show with their matching tour image matching, whilst the editors comment then has a matching image of myself.

But the images in the main area will be framed just like the frame around Jessica Benn, just to keep the theme running through just like it did on the contents page.

The finishing product.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Cast Used For My Loud Rock Magazine


Jessica Benn

The reason I chose Jessica be to be apart of my magazine project is because she is a general tomboy and is a huge fan of the rock genre, especially Avril Lavigne. But overall, my sister dresses like a tomboy with baggy shirts, jeans and hi-top trainers. So if I were to place her within a category of theorist it would be Medhurst (1998); “their awful because their not like us” because she isn’t very feminine and would stand out from the crowd. 

Also my model disproves the Laura Mulvey (1975) because Jessica doesn’t dress like a woman stereotypically and wouldn’t really attract a lot of men’s attention. Laura Mulvey’s theory is; woman are portrayed as objects judging by the way the camera aims at them and the way the male characters are noticing them.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Survey Monkey Analysis For My Loud Rock Magazine

Survey Monkey Results

This survey has helped inspire me to create my magazine because it has given me the feedback needed on what the target audience would be and what they would expect. I posted my survey monkey link upon my facebook page and received some feedback from genders of male and females and the main age group would be youth’s.

This means the target theorist for this target audience would be Stanley Hall (1904); who in short states: “youth’s aged between 14-25 are involved in crime and are sexually active.” Another theorist that will be applied to this magazine creating will be Katz and Blumer (1974) who in short states; “ Audiences read a press feature for a variety of purposes such as diversion, personal identity…and surveillance.”

This is the first question I have asked upon my survey monkey, that is because I can get a better idea of the target audience and get a better understanding of what to publish within my magazine creation. This will mean posting creations will have to link to the Stanley Hall (1904) theory at all times.

The second question that I asked to gather information about my target audience, but finding out the gender of my target audience will be crucial because it can give me a better idea of what to include and the style. Overall the target audience for my magazine will be females aged between 17-19 years old. This will all still fall under the Stanley Hall (1904) theory so far.

The third question I asked on my SurveyMonkey was “What social grade does your current household fall under?” This is important to know because I can stereotypically get a better understanding of my target audience and picture what hobbies and lifestyle they would be currently living. On a whole this survey shows my target audience so far is female, aged between 17-19 years old and live under the C social grade class. This means the Stanley Hall theory (1904) will still need to be applied.

Fourthly I asked on my SurveyMonkey was “Which Rock Magazine Do They Tend to Read Often?” With this question it seemed the majority of people who took the survey seemed to vote for Kerrang! because it is a popular magazine for the rock genre. But there are 3 people that seemed to have skipped the question, this could be because they are not into the rock genre or do not really read a rock magazine at all.

This will link to the fourth question that was asked earlier and the reason I have asked this to the people who are my new target audience is because this will give me a better understanding of what to create inside my magazine and it has, as the majority of them have voted they would read a rock magazine for entertainment purposes. This falls under the Blumer and Katz (1974) theory because they state that people read a magazine/press creation to gain information for their own knowledge, information such as personal identity, diversion ... and surveillance.

The seventh question I asked to the people taking my survey was mainly linked with the appearance of the magazine, this would give me a better understanding of what to create upon a front cover to encourage people who are fans of this music genre to purchase it and actually attempt reading it. On a conclusion to this questions feedback, the majority of the people who have taken this survey have said they would read a magazine for exciting and interesting stories, but you could argue since there is one person difference, that the majority of the target audience would expect either. This would fall under the Blumer and Katz (1974) theory.

Then finally I asked the people who are taking my survey monkey which masthead they would prefer. The majority of them have said the first masthead looks the most suitable for a rock magazine and therefore I shall attempt to use this.

So overall my target audience for this magazine I am currently creating is females aged 17-19 years old and living in the C grade social class. They mainly read the Kerrang! rock magazine for entertainment purposes and enjoy exciting and interesting stories for the front cover to encourage them to purchase it. This has really influenced me and made me understand their expectations of a magazine. 

Tuesday 27 March 2012

History Of The Rock Music Genre

History Of The Rock Music Genre

Rock and Roll started in 1955 by Chuck Berry, a black man who enjoyed playing black music. But after a short period of time, the style of music had changed and people began to listen to rhythm and blues as well as country music. The music industry also began to promote white idols such as Elvis Presley because of the racial barriers and inequality affected any black stars trying to make a name. The attitude of a rocker developed during this time period as well, the rebellious youth's mood.

This would mean that the Rock Music Genre when it first originally came out would fall under the Stuart Hall (1981) who states that British media has three 'standard images' of 'Blackness;' the native, the entertainer and the social problem, falling under stereotyping.