Friday 2 March 2012

Analysis Of Kerrang! Magazine Content Page(s)

From my previous post you can immediately spot the difference between Classic Rock's version compared to Kerrang! This cover contains far more information and images of star vehicles within the rock music industry.

But the primary target audience for this magazine contents page is men and woman who are within the social class of E-C and aged between 14-24 years old. In terms of presentation this magazine has a lot of the common conventions in place such as the issue number and more story teaser headline these are placed upon the magazines for the purpose to catch their target audience's attention.

On the bottom left of the page you can see a little dedication to the Kerrang! Magazine from the editor herself. This will attract many of the target audience's attention who fall under the Blumer and Katz theory (1975) “Audience members might consume a media text, diversion (escape from everyday problems), personal relationships, personal identity...Surveillance.” The two main purposes people will want to view this image is for personal identity; looking up to their role model and diversion to relate to what the star vehicle is going through. 

The editors comment may have been added to the magazine to make it seem like the creator is trying to create a relationship with the reader (members audience) and therefore encourage the target audience to stay faithful to this magazine to purchase the many more issues that Kerrang! will make.  

In terms of colour for the magazine the theme of yellow, white and black still runs through the magazine. This could connote energy and depression judging by how they are presented within the fonts and layout of the contents page. So therefore this is are suitable for the primary target audience who fall under the Stanley Hall theory (1904); “Criminal activity would increase at the ages of 12 and 24, common mood in teenagers was depressed.”

There are many more images of star vehicles within this contents cover, this would attract the primary audiences attention because they would be interested to know what is said about the rock band/singer they are currently a fan of. Therefore this is suitable for the theorist of Blumer and Katz (1975) theory; “Audience members might consume a media text, diversion (escape from everyday problems), personal relationships, personal identity...Surveillance.” The two main purposes people will want to view this image is for personal identity; looking up to their role model and diversion to relate to what the star vehicle is going through.

In terms of layout for this article page, the connotation seems to stand out more as it is more organised and blends in naturally with all the quotes and images provided involving the rock industry. This will be important for the target readers that Kerrang! Is aiming for because they they are collecting these magazines they will want to know what star vehicles, story lines and etc are available, this is done deliberately to encourage the target audience who are interested within finding personal identity and etc. 

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