Friday 23 March 2012

Set Up Photo's For My Magazine

This is an image of me preparing my model for her photo-shoot. I applied make up and arranged her make up and clothes to make it suitable for the magazine cover first draft I have planned. The style of her make up was important because it had to be suitable for the light of the camera as well as the style for my genre, applying the dark eyeliner.

Here is another photo of me taking photo's of my star vehicle model for the front page of the rock magazine I am creating. This image demonstrates I have the ability to use a camera and can position lights.

This is image shows me taking a photo of my model with her guitar, a prop that is suitable for the rock genre magazine cover. 

This image demonstrates I am aware of what a reflector does and this also shows that I can use it to make a effect upon the presentation of the end result. 

1 comment:

  1. Great evidence here of your photography shoot. Demonstrating your ability to shoot a variety of material appropriate to the task set and use equipment for a variety of effects.
