Wednesday 28 March 2012

Survey Monkey Analysis For My Loud Rock Magazine

Survey Monkey Results

This survey has helped inspire me to create my magazine because it has given me the feedback needed on what the target audience would be and what they would expect. I posted my survey monkey link upon my facebook page and received some feedback from genders of male and females and the main age group would be youth’s.

This means the target theorist for this target audience would be Stanley Hall (1904); who in short states: “youth’s aged between 14-25 are involved in crime and are sexually active.” Another theorist that will be applied to this magazine creating will be Katz and Blumer (1974) who in short states; “ Audiences read a press feature for a variety of purposes such as diversion, personal identity…and surveillance.”

This is the first question I have asked upon my survey monkey, that is because I can get a better idea of the target audience and get a better understanding of what to publish within my magazine creation. This will mean posting creations will have to link to the Stanley Hall (1904) theory at all times.

The second question that I asked to gather information about my target audience, but finding out the gender of my target audience will be crucial because it can give me a better idea of what to include and the style. Overall the target audience for my magazine will be females aged between 17-19 years old. This will all still fall under the Stanley Hall (1904) theory so far.

The third question I asked on my SurveyMonkey was “What social grade does your current household fall under?” This is important to know because I can stereotypically get a better understanding of my target audience and picture what hobbies and lifestyle they would be currently living. On a whole this survey shows my target audience so far is female, aged between 17-19 years old and live under the C social grade class. This means the Stanley Hall theory (1904) will still need to be applied.

Fourthly I asked on my SurveyMonkey was “Which Rock Magazine Do They Tend to Read Often?” With this question it seemed the majority of people who took the survey seemed to vote for Kerrang! because it is a popular magazine for the rock genre. But there are 3 people that seemed to have skipped the question, this could be because they are not into the rock genre or do not really read a rock magazine at all.

This will link to the fourth question that was asked earlier and the reason I have asked this to the people who are my new target audience is because this will give me a better understanding of what to create inside my magazine and it has, as the majority of them have voted they would read a rock magazine for entertainment purposes. This falls under the Blumer and Katz (1974) theory because they state that people read a magazine/press creation to gain information for their own knowledge, information such as personal identity, diversion ... and surveillance.

The seventh question I asked to the people taking my survey was mainly linked with the appearance of the magazine, this would give me a better understanding of what to create upon a front cover to encourage people who are fans of this music genre to purchase it and actually attempt reading it. On a conclusion to this questions feedback, the majority of the people who have taken this survey have said they would read a magazine for exciting and interesting stories, but you could argue since there is one person difference, that the majority of the target audience would expect either. This would fall under the Blumer and Katz (1974) theory.

Then finally I asked the people who are taking my survey monkey which masthead they would prefer. The majority of them have said the first masthead looks the most suitable for a rock magazine and therefore I shall attempt to use this.

So overall my target audience for this magazine I am currently creating is females aged 17-19 years old and living in the C grade social class. They mainly read the Kerrang! rock magazine for entertainment purposes and enjoy exciting and interesting stories for the front cover to encourage them to purchase it. This has really influenced me and made me understand their expectations of a magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. A good level of audience research here Annaleigh demonstrating your research into target audience and how they will impact the production of your magazine. This will assist you to create a magazine that is suitable for your target audience.
